Friday, August 1, 2014

Flour Sack Quilt

So I went to my great-grandma's retirement center the other day and played bingo with her. I had a good time and I ended up meeting a really nice lady.

Her name is Donna Bowlin. We got talking and she mentioned that she had a flour sack quilt. I have really been wanting to see an original flour sack quilt. I asked her if I could come to her room and see it. She said yes!

The reason that I really wanted to see it was because I have never seen a flour sack quilt and I wanted to see what the fabric looked like.

When I was visiting her she also showed me a pillow that was made out of flour sacks. It was awesome to see a quilt that old. There were a few swatches that I really enjoyed and so I took individual pictures of them for you to enjoy.

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