Monday, December 15, 2014

Yay! School it out!

Yay! I am so so so very happy that I am done with school for the semester. It as a CRAZY week last week, but everything is done now.

Here are a couple of updates:

1) I am planning on putting more tea towels in the shop soon!

The new ones are going to include: Bible Verses, Valentines Day items, and more Sewing sayings. Be on the the lookout!

2) We have a new member of our family: Missy (or Lil' Miss)
We have been looking for another Boston Terrier to be a playmate for our dog, Pepper. This dog has had a really turbulent life and so she is trying to get adjusted to all of us but she is super cute.

3) I am considering moving to Facebook. I am considering doing this because I feel like it would give Dynamic Crumbs a wider audience. Do you agree? Leave a comment!

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