Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Tolstoy!

Today is Leo Tolstoy's birthday! I really enjoy his writing. I have read Anna Karenina. I read this one on audio book which I think added a little personality to each character.

I started out reading it because it is a classic that I never had a chance to read. It was an awesome story! I liked it a lot better than a Tale of Two Cities but that was because there was a lot more description in Anna Karenina. I had a hard time reading it piece by piece in my car because I really just wanted to finish the story because it was so good. It is a very good read.

Also, I came across a children's book for Anna Karenina. I thought it was a kind of funny pick for a children's book but it is pretty good too! There is one page that I really like and it talks about her lace dress. Also a very good read!

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